The 21st Century's Miracle Molecule

Brian Hicks

Posted January 9, 2015

One of the great benefits of living in these modern times is witnessing all the breakthroughs modern science is making in the advancement of medicine.


Just think: It’s been less than half a century since the first heart transplant; less than 40 years since the first CT-Scan.

New, radical procedures like computer-assisted microsurgery and the use of nanotechnology are coming into practice now and will, in the near future, reinvent the art and industry of medicine.

Unfortunately, despite all of these rapid, revolutionary advancements, there are still glaring shortcomings in the way medicine is developed and administered — and these shortcomings, despite all of the offsetting advancements, will become more dramatic as we move forward.

America’s Next Epidemic: Aging

The main reason behind this: Americans are aging.


In fact, our national population is aging faster than just about any other right now thanks in part to a social phenomenon that is entirely American: the Baby Boom.

Spurred by the massive homecoming of American troops from World War II and the ensuing economic explosion that put the U.S. securely at the top of the global pyramid, the Baby Boom was an unprecedented jump in population that came to define an entire generation.

Well, where they were once the product of newfound American strength, today, the baby boomers are starting to age.

As they retire, the percentage of Americans past the age of 65 has grown to record figures — both in terms of raw numbers and in percentages.

And with those disproportionate numbers will come disproportionate needs — mostly medical in nature.


Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, arthritis, various cancers, and a host of other age-related diseases will inevitably plague a larger percentage of Americans than they ever have in the past.

And as medical technology lengthens life expectancies, these chronic issues will end up costing more and more.

Call it a drawback of success if you will, but the bottom line is that our collective medical expenses are set to skyrocket.

The Heart of the Matter

It’s a big problem. But I really want to focus on one — perhaps the most important — aspect: pain.

Pain goes hand in hand with just about every sickness, disorder, and trauma and is only magnified with age.

Aside from the discomfort, pain has a nasty habit of decreasing physical activity — which itself is a trigger for things like muscle and bone loss, cardiovascular atrophy, and all the associated ailments.

Unfortunately, pain management is no easy problem to tackle. You see, the main types of pain management in use today come in the forms of non-opioid over-the-counter drugs like aspirin and acetaminophen and opioid-derived drugs like morphine, codeine, and their various spin-offs.

Both opioid and non-opioid pain management drugs are harmful to the liver if taken regularly, and opioids come with the added pitfall of being highly addictive and lethargy-inducing.

It’s not an accident that heroin — a close cousin of the morphine shot you may have gotten at the hospital before — is a Schedule 1 drug and widely considered the most addictive substance known to man.

So there it is… Even in a time when surgeons can operate on microscopic nerves or see into the brain of an unborn infant, we’re still using centuries-old pharmaceutical technology to treat one of the most common and damaging chronic conditions known.

Well, all that’s about to change.

A Real Wonder Molecule

You see, right now, a new molecule is about to make its way into the lexicon of American doctors, researchers, and scientists — and it’s already been called “the next aspirin” and “as important as penicillin.”

Its full name contains more than 10 syllables, but to those in the know, it’s simply called “Delta-9.”

Sounds weird and high-tech, I know, but in reality, this is a natural molecule that’s derived from one of the most potent pain relievers known to man.

It has the power to dull and remove chronic pain, but unlike its predecessor, it has almost no negative side effects.

It doesn’t cause nausea. In fact, it cures it — which is a godsend for cancer patients suffering through chemo or radiation therapy.

It’s also not addictive, and it doesn’t cause liver damage.

It is, in essence, the perfect pain reliever — one whose molecular makeup has been noted to be almost perfectly suited to this purpose.

Of course, nothing is perfect. Sadly, the one major issue with “Delta-9” has been of political origins, not scientific.

Thanks Again, Congress

Only recently has the federal government begun lifting decades-old bans on research involving “Delta-9.”

The reason the bans even existed goes back to the early 20th century and makes no sense at all today, but, as we all know, Washington and rationality are not often on the same page when it comes to matters of science.

What you need to know is that now this is changing, and the floodgates for “Delta-9” research and commercialization are already opening.

As you might have guessed, there are some very aggressive, very smart biotech firms jumping on the opportunity to find new uses for this miracle molecule.

It could well be the most important biotech story of this decade — and I am happy to be around to see it, because with the coming social changes, it couldn’t have arrived at a more opportune time.

As with all trends like this, the investment opportunities are enormous — and we’ve wasted no time in figuring out exactly how to best ride this medical revolution into profitability.

Just a few days ago, Jimmy Mengel, editor and investment director of The Crow’s Nest, published an in-depth report on “Delta-9” and three of the most promising companies working with the molecule today.

His research is stunning — even shocking by some standards — but the verdict is singular: This will be one of medicine’s biggest shifts in the coming years.

Don’t miss your chance to get in early.

Click here for instant access to your free copy of this report.

To your wealth,

Brian Hicks Signature

Brian Hicks

Brian is a founding member and President of Angel Publishing and investment director for the income and dividend newsletter The Wealth Advisory. He writes about general investment strategies for Tech Investing Daily, Wealth Daily and Energy & Capital. Known as the “original bull on America,” Brian is also the author of the 2008 book, Profit from the Peak: The End of Oil and the Greatest Investment Event of the Century. In addition to writing about the economy, investments and politics, Brian is also a frequent guest on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox and countless radio shows. For more on Brian, take a look at his editor’s page.

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